web hosting

We call “web hosting” a space on the web where the database and infrastructure of a site are hosted.

Hosting services

Hosting services, rendered by authorized companies, allow you to purchase or use free of charge a space in which to store the content, database and structure of a site and make it visible to anyone who wants to access it. In essence, all the sites we visit on a daily basis are hosted on a Hosting.

Hosting the database

To publish a site online, it is necessary to use a hosting service that hosts the database. Web host providers (also called Internet Service Providers or Hosting providers), i.e. companies that provide web hosting services, offer different solutions depending on the needs of the site owner: for a blog, a not so large space may be enough; on the contrary, an e-commerce or a more structured news site may need more space.

A tip from my experience

There are countless hosting sites on the market today. They differ in speed, performance, geographical location of servers, support and prices. Choosing is not easy, especially if you are not an expert. I can recommend Artera hosting, a service that can be configured as Python hosting in a few simple steps. It guarantees great performance in terms of speed, performance, privacy and security; it offers a support service that is always available.

In order to choose the most suitable web hosting for your website, you must first assess the needs you have, and then decide what essential features you are looking for. 

Freely adapted and translated from: https//www.punto-informatico.it/

By admin

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